PLANTAG™ is a next-generation plant-based brand based in Shanghai, offering a wide range of plant-based milk options.
✶ Insight  │  Approximately 32.6% of consumers in China equate plant-based milk with a combination of oat milk and cow’s milk. Therefore, PLANTAG™ employs the slogan “We’re Not Familiar with Milk” to convey that we are the first purely plant-based manufacturing brand that contains no cow’s milk.
✶ Strategy │  When consumers enter convenience stores, they spend an average of only 0.8 seconds on each product while scanning the shelves. After discussing with our client, we decided to retain the hashtag logo, using a striking visual symbol to enhance brand recall.
✶ Design │  Visually, we maintained a minimalist design style by utilizing simple geometric plant graphics to evoke immediate flavor associations in consumers. The lightweight bottle design is convenient for students and office workers to carry in their pockets. Additionally, the pink and generous negative space design not only enhances appetite appeal but also ensures the product is more systematically recognizable on the shelves.
✶ 洞察 │在中國約有32.6%的消費者認為,植物奶 = 燕麥+牛奶,所以PLANTAG™透過"我們與牛奶不熟”口號,傳達我們是第一個不含牛奶的純植物製造品牌,而絕大部分的消費者,不知道畜牧和乳業佔據了全球CO2總排放量的14.5%,這些大多來源於奶牛消化過程中所放出的屁,因此,對於可減少80%碳排放的植物奶來說會是更環保的選擇!
✶ 策略 │消費者進到便利店掃描貨架的產品時,平均只能停留在一件商品上0.8秒,所以和客戶討論後決定保留井號logo透過強眼的視覺符號來加深消費的記憶。
✶ 設計 │視覺上我們保留簡約的設計風格,運用簡單的幾何的植物圖形,使消費者能直接的與口味產生聯想,輕巧瓶身,讓學生、上班族們能方便放入口袋,粉色+的留白的設計,除增加食慾感外,還能讓產品於貨架上時更有系統性的被識別。
Client│植物標籤 PLANTAG
Brand Leader│Mora Ma
Brand Manager│Joe Wu
Agency : 大白設計 Da Bai Design
Art Director : Ken Chen
illustration : Ken Chen

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