山咖啡® Sean coffee 包裝設計
IF設計獎、金點設計獎、義大利設計獎 (銀獎)
Sean Coffee® is a Taiwanese brand known for its exquisite coffee. We believe in the art of roasting small batches of single-origin beans to perfection. With our new slogan, "Unleashing the Multifaceted Imagination of Taste," we invite customers to experience the journey from coffee origins to their cup. The packaging illustration features our coffee expert, Sean, roasting beans in a forest, immersing consumers in the essence of our coffee. The warm "fluorescent orange" color complements the aromatic coffee cherries. Using 7-color Pantone® special inks and layered printing, we capture the diverse and rich flavors of Mountain Coffee®. The packaging includes a black outer box, inner lining, and illustrated cards. We enhance the premium coffee experience with techniques like foil stamping and embossing. To ensure consistency and flexibility, we recommend replacing the inner cards based on different themes, reducing printing costs and our carbon footprint.
Experience the art of Sean Coffee® and join us in creating a better future for our planet.
一杯好的咖啡始於一顆好的豆子,咖啡之所以令人著迷,是因為小小一粒豆子,卻蘊藏豐富且多變的風味。山咖啡® 以單一豆種少量新鮮烘焙,從產地的選擇到逐顆豆子的嚴格篩選,堅持不使用商業豆,專屬的多工式烘焙法,使溫度均勻包裹著每粒豆子,透過精準的火候,將千變萬化的豐富韻味釋放出來,以豆子的視角、烘焙出世界。插畫透過烘焙師Sean的視角,感受”從產地到杯中”的風味之旅,以7色Pantone® 複雜的疊色印製,整體色調和咖啡質地相互呼應,給人如茶般溫暖豐厚的果香的口感,山咖啡® 詮釋味覺的多元想像。
Client山咖啡® Sean Coffee
AgencY|大白設計 DA BAI® Design
Art Director|Ken Chen
illustration |Ken Chen
Photography|Ken Chen
Model|Juju lin
Printing│外盒 - 慶三堂印刷
                     卡片 - 九水印刷
Paper │  外盒 - 韓國黑卡350g
         內襯 - (竣揚) 美麗卡 300g
                    卡片 - (恆成) 凝雪映畫 290g
                    貼紙 - (恆成) 維納斯 / 細紋紙/白 100g
Post-Press|7特色 / 燙霧金 / 燙白 / 打凸 / 貼紙軋形
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